Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cigarette Butt Littering (Shane)

One thing that really annoys me is when people throw their cigarette butts everywhere. All of the butts included in my box were picked up directly from the ground. Totaling over 50 butts, and thats just from outside my dorm. Which means that there are trillions around the whole world.
By: Shane Pratt

World Hunger

I chose world hunger because it affects many areas of the world and people need to eat! If we would do more as a nation maybe one day we could end world hunger!image.jpeg

War On Terror (Isaac Bargen)

I am not for the war on terror, however, I do support our troops. Someone needs to protect our country and stand/fight for what we believe. I give them props for being able to be over there every day, going through harsh conditions so we "Americans" can keep on living the so called "American Dream". My project displays what the war could look like in some areas (minus the trees). 

The Persian Gulf War

This conflict begun in August 1990 when Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait. The conflict was resolved by fighting in Kuwait by Iraqi forces and a coalition force lead by the United States. As a result, the Iraqi forces were driven out of Kuwait.

By: Rodriquez Neal

Gas On The Rise (Christopher West)

With gas on the rise, people are finding other ways to commute. More and more people are parking thier cars or trucks and using more costs saving transportation. Other means of transportation include but not limited to hybrids cars, motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, public transportation and walking. Sciencetis and others are finding more efficencent ways to by-pass the gas tank, from using old grease from restrants to solar power vehicles.

War and Peace Diorama (Andrew Willis)

I chose the theme of war for my diorama, because we all know that warfare in the 21st century has reached new heights. The United States involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan are costing the U.S. billions of dollars. While many believe there is no price too high for our national safety, others believe the immense amount of spending on the war would benefit us more if spent in other areas of government. More important than the money are the casualties we are suffering. Everyday men and women of the U.S. risk their lives for their country and many do not return home. So no matter what side of this issue you fall on, the issue remains.

Team 4 Members

Colby Willis (770)301-4869
Matt Fulgham (770)362-6280
Isaac Bargen (404)918-1598
Ashley Hancock (678)988-0569
Rich Brownley (678)596-3511
Cory Mackinen (678)850-6979
Rod Neal (770)402-8720
Shane Pratt (770)733-8269
Christopher West (706)668-7113
*Please check your information for any errors. If there is an error, e-mail me the corrections.

Gas Price Diorama (Cory Mackinen)

I did this diorama on the price of gas. Not only do gas prices affect us personally but also can have a huge impact on the world. Look at economy now, pay cuts for people that work for airline transportation, not many people can go out to eat creating restarauntes to go under, and most of all the inflation on food we eat and products we buy. Around the world we see the same thing on T.V. and the news. This is one of many things that upset me in the world.